Web Community Group

Faculty and staff are encouraged to join the SDSU Web Community Group to learn about SDSU Web Accessibility, OU Campus implementation, and other web related topics and updates.

The Web Community Group started in 2013 as a small group to share web accessibility information as part of the CSU Accessibility Technology Initiative. This group meets monthly. As we add other web related topics the membership continues to grow. The monthly attendance ranges from 30 to 75 people depending on the topic for that month.
  • Invitations to Website-related meetings with colleagues across campus.
  • Get familiar with Accessibility and OU Campus implementation.
  • Learn web related topics and training opportunities.
  • Participate in discussions by asking or answering questions posed to the group (discussion participation is optional).
  • Receive updates: Accessibility Scan/Report deadlines, updates, ATI Roadmap and Exemption Process, OU Campus Project updates, etc.
  • Opportunities to join ad hoc groups to collaborate on aspects of Website decisions.

Send a request through contact owner and manager of sdsuwebdev to become a member. Membership requires an  SDSU email account, include your department name and job title in the message box.

We will notify you after your membership has been created.

Monthly Web Group Meetings

Archived Web Community Meeting Slides from past presentations.